Kyongsok Chong Executive Partner
- Seoul National University, College of Law (LL.B.)
- Loyola Marymount Univ., Entertainment Business Management Program
- Univ. of Washington, IP Law and Policy (LL.M)
- Univ. of Pennsylvania Wharton School, Executive Program for Strategic Thinking and Management
- Eisenhower Fellowship for Northeast Asia Regional Program (2011)
- Judicial Research & Training Institute of Supreme Court of Korea
Korea and Seoul Bar Association
- Present Managing Partner, LIWU Law Group
- 28th Graduate of the Judicial Research & Training Institute
- Kim, Chang & Lee, DW Partners, KCL, Sehwa Park & Goo
- Korea Media Rating Board, Rating committee member for video game
- Korean Commercial Arbitration Board, Arbitrator
- Korean Internet Address Dispute Committee member
- KOCCA Contents Fair Trade Counsel
- MOJ legal counsel for SME overseas investors
- Korea Entertainment Law Association, Director
- Game Culture Foundation, Auditor, Chairman
- International Association of Korean Lawyers, Director
- Substantive Similarity Theory, Quarterly Copyright (Copyright Commission, 2009)
- Legal Issues, Human Rights, and Justice around Propositions and Titles (Korean Arbitration (2008))
- Acquisition of discriminating power by technical trademark and use, case study (Seoul National Counsel (2003))
- A Causal Relationship Between Insurance Accidents and Damages, Case Study (Seoul Discipline, 2002)
- A Study on Nationality and Military Service Duty(KOREAN LAWYERS ASSOCIATION(2002))
- Defects in Arbitrator Selection Process and Reasons for Cancellation of Arbitration Award(Korea Bar(2002))
- Analysis and Access to Domain Name Disputes (Internet Law, Ministry of Justice (2001))
- Q & A Corporate Rehabilitation Practices (Publisher JC, 2016)
- Commentary on Civil Execution Law (2007)
- Entertainment, Intellectual Property, Real Estate, Litigation, Corporate, Public Institution
- Corporate Litigation, Securities, M&A, Outbound Investments